Dear Probus Friend,
Dear visitor,
Welcome to the website of PROBUS Belgium, the website of all Belgian clubs of friends, spread over the entire country.
"PROBUS" is the contraction of the English PROfessional and BUSiness people. The main goal of each club is to establish close friendships among its members, and this extends to friendships across clubs and regions, as well as worldwide contacts.
PROBUS Belgium welcomes ladies and gentlemen who exchange their active professional life for a voluntary engagement in a context of diversity and multi-disciplinarity. The PROBUS clubs are no service clubs and have no commercial objectives.
Conviviality, camaraderie, friendship and fun are created by having lunch together, enjoying a fascinating lecture, a day trip, sports or games, a trip with partners, etc...
PROBUS members have access to the protected part of this website based on a username and password that they can request through their club ICT officer. Members and visitors have access to some general information (purpose, meaning, organisation, ...).
The clubs are spread over six regions in Belgium, divided over two language communities. If you want more information about the membership or the functioning of PROBUS, you can contact us via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. .
You are most welcome,
The Information and Coordination Committee of Probus-Belgium C.I.C.